
Stock investment tips

Investment Master Jim Rogers on April 7, 2008 in the Netherlands banks in Hong Kong to host an investment conference meeting to accept the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zhuan Fangshi and De Tanhua, revealed the secret of the stock investment is what is »

   Is to choose what kind of stocks? «Indeed, Jim Rogers talked about the" A-shares, he bought a focus on water treatment, agriculture, electricity and travel four major sections, he considered that these industries from other countries in economic impact. "I think that this is important, and we will seriously reference, but most likely not a stock investment tips. This is because people also tend to be found outside of the four major sections Niugu big at the same time, the above-mentioned four major sections within the Unit may also Youxiong even Bear shares.

   Then, what is it »

   We look at the ------

   Has a four-year-old-age daughter in the Rogers three weeks ago has a small daughter. To the new baby the best gift, in his view, which no doubt is just the beginning of the value of experience now after the collapse of the A shares. Rogers said that he is in two three weeks ago began to buy these shares, "the adjustment of the stock market now, even if the future with greater down, I will continue to buy." He said that China is a development so Good country, at any time to buy China stocks, 10 to 20 years after the big city to make money.

   "I do not care about the price now, I did not see!" When a reporter asked him to buy these stocks to make money or lose money, he replied that these stocks are his daughter to grow up can also hold the Investment products, prices fall, the lower the better for him, "We all proposals to buy!"

   Rogers said that in 2008 those Chinese companies to sell their shares, will be like in 1908 to sell U.S. stocks, like those who regret that the U.S. stock market has also experienced a crash, but all the people have become Bid Biggest winner.

   Tip 1: a long-term vision. How long is long-term «10 to 20! Buy shares to think of" 10 to 20 after. " Bought "The stock is his daughter to grow up can also hold the investment products", while his only daughter, a 4-year-old half, before a three week. "Unit God," Buffett said: "If you do not want to have a stock 10 years, then do not have to consider it for 10 minutes."

   Why do we have a lot of retail investors lose money »because short-sighted. To what extent the short »1.2 days» 1.2 on «would like to in a very short period of time to make money. As everyone knows, "haste makes waste not to!" So short-sighted, do not lose money Caiguai.

   Tip 2: "I do not care about the price now, I did not see!"

   Why do we have a lot of retail investors lose money «too concerned about the current stock price. Now the skyrocketing prices plummeted very easy for us and Fangcun Shoumangjiaoluan chaos. So sure the operation under the extreme poor, so very easy for us to have been disturbed by the attitude of more unrest, the already bad attitude has become even worse. Deterioration of mentality will only get worse operation. Mentality of deterioration - bad operation - even worse attitude - even worse operation. . . . . . This vicious circle continue and not lose money Caiguai!
