
Five stages of a bear market you have a few customs

Most investors in the bear market in general to experience the following five stages: Xishou, grief and indignation, pray, despair, acceptance. Most of the investors through the observation of emotional response, generally to understand the operation of a bear market prices which stage.

Xishou: Quote end up into the callback period, where there are Xishou mentality of investors think the market is only at this time wave Huidang it, the pullback will end up, unwilling to acknowledge the bull market has ended; another part of Sets of investors due to loss, refused to recognized the bull market has ended, to their "better tomorrow" psychological comfort, but the actual market is waiting for the rising Xishou or more in the lower.

Indignant: Quote before the end, as investors generally Xishou of moderate adjustment of a sudden change fell for a rapid increase or decrease in Shenzhen, investors before the market generally aware of the understanding may be wrong, but this time the hands of the majority of investors The stock has been deep-set, has no "off the wrist," the courage to accept the fact that a substantial loss, many investors began to grief and indignation of the emotional characteristics, often appear "Why not save the market", "Why agencies To Zapan, "" Why should painting analysts blueprint for the "emotional grievances.

Pray for: experienced a decline in prices of emotional pain and anger after the vent, most investors have entered the market gradually recognized a bear market, this time began to pray for often, to pray for a rebound in prices in general will have "as long as I can rebound in capital preservation, I will certainly throw "or" So long as the security of this, I will not be thrown out after entering the stock market "idea.

Despair: the actual prices are often the majority of investors against the idea and running, although the rebound in prices but can not always "capital preservation" of the request and re-emergence of panic down, the majority of the investors were deep-set Experienced a "grievance is also down," and "to pray or" Mind has deep despair after the course, at this time of the investment behavior is often "Zhancang tears," or simply "left abandoned warehouse," not on the stock market To care for and say.

Acceptance: In desperation, most investors have been well aware of the bear market is also part of the economic cycle, the bear market is also accepted in the investment activities must be part of. At this time most investors have fully accepted a bear market, recognizing that the market "bears cattle short-long", the actual market is therefore a downturn bottomed state. It is precisely because of stock market investors against the idea and run most of the downturn bottomed, in fact, a new round of rising prices has already begun孕育.

If more than five stages and the current A-share market counterparts, apparently can be found, "Xishou" counterparts in February before the market above 4,500 points in the "bitterness" in the corresponding month of 3,4 prices fell in the "prayer" In May the corresponding trend in the rebound, "despair" again reflected in June under the 3000 break point on the market. Currently the vast majority of investors have generally accepted the A-share market has ushered a bear market or even bear market point of view. These investors through the course of the Mind and the emotional response to our insight into the current A-share market has been at what stage, perhaps can bring a lot of inspiration.
