
K-theory research

K Line of Japan at the source of this chart, by the then Japanese rice traders in the city of meters used to record and market price fluctuations, because of their delicate after the original painting standard approach was introduced to the stock and futures markets. At present, this chart analysis in China and throughout Southeast Asia are particularly popular. As this way of drawing up charts shape Posi a candle and the candle is black and white of these points, which is also called Yin and Yang line graph. By K Line, we are able to daily or a cycle of the market performance of fully recorded,

After a period of stock-file, the map that is the formation of a special regional or form, show different patterns of different significance. We can from these patterns of change in the law have worked out some things out. K Line reversal patterns can be divided into shape, form and finishing lines, and gaps and trends from the third quarter of this chapter, we will one by one of these forms to carry out specific analysis.

1. Rendering

First of all, we find that date or a period of maximum and minimum price, and even into a vertical line, and then find out the same day or a cycle of opening and closing price, the price of this two-a narrow strip connecting the rectangle Cylinder. If the day or a cycle of the closing price is higher than the open market value (that is, low open higher), we expressed in red, or in the cylinder on the blank on this column called "Yangxian." If the day or a cycle of the closing price is lower than the open market value (that is, higher low-income), we said that while the blue, or black in the living column Tu, this column is "Yinxian."

Second, the merits of

To fully and thoroughly observed that the real market change. We K Line, will see the stock (or cities) in the trend, also can understand that the daily fluctuations in the market situation.

Third, shortcomings

(1) Rendering very complicated, is the trend of many plans in a production of the most difficult.

(2) Yinxian with the many changes in Yangxian, for beginners, in the grasp of the analysis will be very difficult, time-map as simple and easy to understand.

4, analysis of significance

As the "yin and yang" in many changes, "Yinxian" and "Yang Xian", includes many different changes in size, its analysis of the significance, particularly to a talk about the need.

During the discussion, "Yin Yang" in the sense of before, let us know Yangxian every part of the name.
