
Hide of the 10 top selling shares secret signal

The ever-changing language in the disk will hide some transient in the delicate "signal." Sometimes these signals will be very accurately tell you upward trend has been reversed, you should have your hands of the stock decisively thrown out.

   Sorted out 10 kinds of commonly used and relatively more practical technical language and operating skills, in ideal circumstances, they can help you take the bad trend as soon as possible before shipping, access to the best interests or to minimize losses.

   MACD Sicha for the peak signal

   Elevated after sharp stock price after Hengpan, the formation of a relatively high, investors in particular, the large amount of money investors must be shipped in the first selling points, or Jiancang. At this time the judgement skills to set up the first selling point is "shares Hengpan and MACD Sicha," Sicha on the formation of a selling point is the first time.

   After the formation of the first selling points, some stocks did not appear down, the main force may be long after the pullback as a cover shipments pretend to break up and do the last time before the ship Elevated. Top judge is the establishment of skills when the stock price is a virtual wave Elevated at a record high, MACD are not synchronized, the second-wave clear the area before a large wave that will continue to decline in volume, they have deviated from the trend, Shares peaked is a clear signal.

   At this time a high point in a wave of the bull market is often the highest prices, at this time can not be successfully fled the case, the consequences would be unthinkable. Have to say is the absolute top-selling stock, and so must not be sold after the MACD Sicha, because when the MACD Sicha, shares have dropped by many in the top selling virtual waves must take into consideration K-Line stock portfolio. This is also the center line MACD as the shortcomings of the indicators.

   Generally speaking, the virtual waves in the course of Rafah if there is "Gaokaidizou Yinxian" or "long under the shadow of Yangxian limit", is an excellent time to sell. Need to remind is that the MACD is lagging indicators, with MACD find the best selling point especially for those who fled the top after a substantial Elevated to the first platform for the stock, not suitable for those radical widening decline in the stock. In addition, most of the above two points in the shares rose after, that is, it appears in the main stock Shenglang, if a stock has not been substantially higher, not the main Shenglang, not to use the above method.

   KDJ polarization patterns showed that peaked

   Usually, a long time or in rapid market trend of unilateralism, there放量or the extreme reverse the trend, with the technical support of classics, such as large Tiaokong Star Line-K Line KDJ the K-value reached more than 85, is peaked The typical signal.

   When KDJ indicators of the reach of change in value of J U-turn downward, to sell 50%; k value of the reach of change can be prepared to walk normally sold, k values change U-turn down, clearing when KDJ indicators formed Sicha, this is the last The selling point.

   Sometimes, however, stocks or market peaked at a high level official reverse a downward trend, dropping down the formation of the momentum, and their MACD indicators also killed a high cross, we can not because the market or the stocks issued KDJ indicators oversold signals blind Chaodi, Because technically there are often "under the end of" the situation, so this KDJ indicators are often out of order.

   Long shadow on the line to be more careful

   Long shadow on the line is a clear signal peaked. Rise in prices rose to a certain stage, or for放量Chonggao 3-5 consecutive trading days放量, and the daily Huan Shoulv are more than 4 percent. When the largest turnover appears, its Huan Shoushuai often more than 10%, which means that the main force in Lagao shipments. If a closed-hatched on that Chonggao down, heavy selling. If the shares can not be recovered the next day the day before yesterday, hatched, began shrinking turnover, showed that investors will adjust, to encounter this situation must be resolutely Jiancang even the clearing.

   Cross for the high-risk signs

   More room for increase, the market may be a systemic risk孕育hair, especially at this time to pay attention to the K-Line. K-Line in the day or long cross-hatched on the inverted hammer-shaped Yangxian or Yinxian, the key is to sell the stock.

   K-Line, a high cross-Duokong show strong differences, or the situation will be a buyer's market to a seller's market, a high cross-sing like a car at a crossroads faced the red light, reflecting the market will be a turning point, to avoid risks can be shipped. Shares surged after a long shadow line with the inverted hammer-shaped Yinxian, who sold the same day, the air of superiority, if the turnover great day, even peaked signal. Many units or a high cross-inverted hammer-shaped shadow on the long Yinxian, 80% -90% chance of a big head, Jiancang for the best.

   Double-headed, long shape of the bullet Kyrgyzstan

   When the stock no longer form a new breakthrough, a second head, should be firmly sold, as the first head to head are the second major phase of distribution. M shape is a right-left is for low-to-ship Lagao, sometimes also likely to form the right-left peak is higher than the lure more down-to reverse more frightening, as for other head-like head-and-shoulder top, Triple top, top round are the same, just below neckline support had to quickly settle and hold shares, so losses expand.

   Drubbing important variable-MA vigilance

  放量after the stock fell below average on the 10th and can not be restored, and then five weeks line has been penetrated, should be firmly sold. For those who just apply to withdraw from this particularly beneficial. How can I confirm that support at this it is particularly critical. Generally speaking, the average first day on the 10th after breaking the station the next day but did not pull back on the support level (for example, on the 30th MA), the confirmation is Powei, pull back when the time is Jiancang. If stock prices continue to break on the 30th or the 60th day MA MA, and other important indicators to the clearing firm.

   In addition, as the stock price downward, and gradually formed a downward spiral, the average Zhou in short order. If after a rebound on the stock 30 or 60-day MA did not take a firm, the firm should be sold.

   Single-day "T +0" the sale of lower cost

   Mainly rely on the daily stock price fluctuations, the use of small price differences解套. For example, if 100 shares apply, opened lower today, the stock or shares fell, when prices stabilize resilient, immediately bought 100 shares, once gained, sold 100 shares while the former can be profitable if the stock opened higher Or Chonggao peaked after first selling 100
