
One expert summed up the stock market for over 10 years of fixed stock speculation

First: know their


   Personal habits and hobbies and life experiences will be reflected in the attitude of his transactions and trading style, go about their very important, so the first place, as described below will return to this one. And technical analysis, the individual's personality can also, through his summary of the history, different personality and his experience there will be suitable for the different trading strategies, only for their own trading systems in order to help their own success.


   Second: Select markets


   Many people do not have this concept. But today I want to tell you choose to market is more important than selecting the time factor. Active market as soon as possible to help you succeed in the market downturn in the Yun-do, heroes will be shortness of breath. For example, since last year Huopu metals futures markets, investment at this time, if not know very fundamentals or technical analysis of the people may also get huge profits, I heard that last year earnings thousand times a person, not empty words. The active market is the basis of profit, why investors the impression that the poor »because of a Quanqian investors into the market, few generals Chang-sheng, not to mention is the master. The market has led to the success or failure you.


   For many people, let him choose the market is fantasy, their capital and time limits their market to other areas, so the sea only in stocks struggling, but do not know can not turn to other markets but they can shore of fire This determines that the failure of most people. If you have no way to choose the market, then went down to see.


   3: Choose the opportunity to tell Niuxiong


   Even the best market to choose the right time to intervene is the wrong time of the crime of money. Buy a set of impact on the mentality of a direct bearing on the future success or failure. The first is resolved bull market or bear market. The characteristics of a bull market bull market, bear market bear market has the characteristics of these features is the original and long-term, and the Chinese people have said the "Road", is a principle, is the same, the only change in the form of a master Spirit can be resolved by a simple.


   Bull market and bear market is the outline. Bull market operation, a bear market and not feel that the only slogan, but we must resolutely implement the principle, you Weini it may be in a day a few years you will be hard to build on the buildings razed to the ground. Continue broken down into six kinds of state: the bull market in a bear market, the bull market in the bull market, bear market in the bull market, bear market in a bear market, the balance of the bull market in the city, the bear market balance in the city. The proportion of investment funds are 30-50% ,80-100%, 20-30% 0 to-10%, 20-30%, 10-20%.


   As a result of so Subdivision To funds. Most people disdain in fund management, but this is very important, a lot of success because he was stamping on the success of the pace of the times, that is, with the trend of more people is a conscious trend to follow.


   These are successful in summing up. The main trading profits are in the medium-term bull market access, more time is wasted in a bear market and the balance in the city, where point deficit to make here, feel that a good technology less money, in fact, ignored the opportunity. So when understand this point will be used to fund management boring Niuxiong in the district. With discipline to restrain themselves and avoid the trap into. A lot of friends do not have a high level of the four years to escape the bear market, they have no rain fell on the urgency of the crisis in 2001, Xie Feng did not die in the drizzle in 2002, the expense in the slogan of the series in 2003 and 2004, over with emotion . The market is very cruel, you will usher in the new left, no one will remember you have the glory. And the losers are always linked with contempt and sympathy. So the people who live than the long, who live in high quality.


   Su Liang shocks - Small Cap


   However, lack of stable energy market is small capitalization stocks when the active phase, the energy market can not meet the size of the display of hot, stocks prices, "stars ignition", which again on the Small Cap Market under the energy more Jiangli. Since energy can not meet the continuing market, the Small Cap Market gains are often more agile, continuing a shorter cycle, suitable for short-term operation.


   Unexpected good - the new shares


   Whether what in the market, and significant positive Ruoyu emergencies released, often the lowest-active the new shares. Because the old stocks are often stationed in the old capital or trapped, the new capital that is unwilling to Taijiao the old capital, more funds for the elderly to解套. Therefore, the major positive after the announcement, shares of listed near the base often become the new funds "prejudiced" the target of attack.


   Adjustment period - Zhuanggu


   Market adjustment is an active cycle Zhuang Gu. As the market has been hot annihilation, Zhuanggu the main trouble or self-help, or taking advantage of the weak market potential themes ahead of Jiancang…… Zhuanggu weak market in the darkness like a beacon in the "oil lamps", although not illuminate the whole Market, but also enable the investing public will not despair. At the same time, the number of temptations can "invest small minority" together "to add fuel oil lamps", or lead to "moths Puhuo."


   Band decline - stock indicators


   Band of the market after a steep decline in stock market indicators of the active phase. After the steep decline can quickly reset the market must be able to affect the overall index stocks. Because "skillfully deflected" the effectiveness, but also because of Di Jiagu Hupan low cost.


   Adjustment of the end - Chaodie Di Jiagu


   Big band adjustments after entering the end of the active Chaodie Di Jiagu. The largest decrease since the early risk of release Dijia Gu Chaodie the cleanest, most require strong technical rebound. Since the end of adjustment into the general trend has not reversed, the new hot spots difficult to create, would give the performance of the Chaodie Di Jiagu opportunities.


   Established bull market - high-priced stocks


   Bull market is established high-priced stocks active. High stock market is the "elite class", ranking the top of the market, the bull market into the stage, they need to open the file on space, space for the market to create a bull market, to play in Di Jiagu "-to help, bring" Role.


   Period of rest - Theme Unit


   Finishing the rest of the market share of the active material. Because the rest period
