
With comprehensive analysis of financial indicators

Enterprises operating profitability mainly reflects business enterprises the ability to create profits. Reflect the profitability of the enterprise's financial indicators are many, but a single indicator of the analysis, investors tend to make the profitability of the enterprises to determine in a vague state. Here, we have introduced two or more of the linkage between the financial indicators, to evaluate the operating results of current business and future profitability, so as to investors to understand the operation of the status quo enterprises provide a clear analysis of ideas.

   1, liabilities and operating profit growth rate with a comprehensive analysis

   Liabilities, operating rate = long-term liabilities / owner's equity, it should reflect the structure of sources of funding and the independence and stability.

   Profit growth = (current net profit - on the period of net profit) / profit on the period, it reflects the profitability of value-added enterprises.

   We will consider the combination of these indicators can be integrated determine the profitability of the enterprise's growth potential. If both growth, although that business has increased investment in external funding, an increase of certain risks, but the rational use of corporate funds, profit has increased its leverage to bring about a certain corporate profits that borrowing Measures is correct. If the decline at the same time that enterprises in reducing the scale of the debt but also to reduce the level of profitability, its profit potential constraints.

   2, current liabilities rate, liquidity ratio, profit growth with a comprehensive analysis

   Current liabilities rate = current liabilities / assets, liquid assets ratio = current assets / assets, profit growth = (current net profit - on the period of net profit) / profit on the stage

   We will consider the combination of the above indicators look at prospects for corporate profits. If the three indicators at the same time improving that business enterprises to expand production, increase production, has increased profits if the flow of current assets and liabilities increased rates lower, but margins improved, the companies that sell good products, supply, management The situation remains good situation if the current liabilities increased, decreased liquidity, lower margins on the production and operation of enterprises deteriorating situation, enterprises will have financial difficulties if the flow rate of current assets and liabilities rate, the decline in margins at the same time , Notes, corporate production and management business is shrinking, corporate earnings prospects are not bright.

   In sum, we find that enterprises will be reflected by the profitability of the financial indicators associated with analysis, show that if the profitability of the enterprises are weakened, then the profitability of the business potential worthy of our discussion, investors should be treated with caution .

   Case Study

   We will use Wo-listed companies analysis system, use the first method, for example analysis. To-day hotel 000428 December 31, 2002 data as an example, we can see that the liabilities of enterprises operating rate by the end of 2001 rose to 1.59 percent in late 2002 of 11.77 percent, but profit growth of -19.8% The downward trend on the borrowing enterprises to enterprises did not bring the expected rewards.

On the road to the investment fundamentals

I do talk about their experiences on it, I was in 1993 the stock market, no computer at that time, his paintings K Line, the paper every night with coordinates of painting. With computers in 1996 to not only painted K-Line. When conditions are very poor, but in good spirits. Zuo Gupiao the first time, basic股评is watching and recreating simple technical analysis of select stocks, good stops on the implementation of strict discipline, in that harsh Bear saved the city itself. 1996 began to do their own research, gradually understand the value of their research, is the beginning of all the 183 stocks all do it again, out of which the second year that the shield 2 / 3 of the future, every new stock issues, I will carefully Look at the brochure, should be included in the list of follow-up study, and no longer have to study the value of the omissions. Now each year about 50 to be done to the company. The first to do research at the very superficial, but are still relatively successful, for instance, Shen Changcheng, I carefully read the statement, and then brought back to Shenzhen and the urban transportation plans, Shen Changcheng control to see how the location of the property lots , Resulting Shen Changcheng Estate valuable conclusions. Xinjiangtunhe when I have to do with their feet to the Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture of the railway from Urumqi, now find themselves up to funny.

   I feel that the end of 1996 the stock market recovery has been far too hasty move, the central bursts of 12 gold medals seem indifferent to the market, bear market in 1993 with the baptism I sniff out dangerous from the flavor, in considering new investment objectives I set our sights Into the then 96 (8) bonds, 8-year interest-bearing bonds in denominations of 100 yuan, the annual interest rate 8.56 percent, while the prevailing market price is only around 98 yuan, I think the market in the mistakes, bought 96 (8) The spot bonds will be profitable in more than 10 percent, and is absolutely risk-free profits, so I will be in the stock market following the withdrawal of all funds into 96 (8) of treasury bonds was 96 (8) bonds include the entire bond market We all clear trend, I really have tasted is the sweetness of their own research.

   On the creation of value, the most successful research is to find those that have not yet recognized by the market or market erroneous understanding of the industry and listed companies, for instance, in 1996 the emerging computer industry and in 1998 the telecommunications equipment industry, just because of the rise of industry At that time the stock market or their lack of understanding of fundamental has yet to note that overlook the value of investments in these sectors; industry have long recession due to poor performance by the market and their own offensive Xianqi already quietly changing in the industry, such as in 1999 The real estate industry, the liquor industry in 2003. For those who long recession in the industry we should eyes wide open, because no industry has been recession will continue, unless that is indeed a result of technological innovation or social change and ensnared the industry. For those who have been continuous high-growth industries and companies to harbor vigilance, because the extreme prosperity always buried behind the rapid decline of the seeds, any industry will be the role of gravity in the fast-growing but also accumulated the same number of contradictions And problems of these contradictions and problems to a certain time of the outbreak and will certainly reflect them.

   I have several big top escaped but was later does not seem wise, the 1996 top defectors missed Dongtaiapai, 2001 Shenzhen Vanke Korean defectors to the top again missed, summing up his back and in fact the stock market peaked or not Is not so terrible, so long as the hands of the stock does have investment value, for the efforts it has enough self-confidence should be retained, not to ignore market Change. I think the mentality of stability comes from you on a deep understanding of things, With this, you will not be the acts of other people around.

   Those securities companies is also a research report I see, but mainly to see the inside to provide some basic information and a unique perspective, I think that down the years who report a certain value, but not of great value, and found that a significant investment Mainly on its own. A research report to a certain timeliness, it may not be to our hands is the first time the position tend to have a problem, the author may not be able to stand completely independent of the objective to express their position on the results of the analysis.

Combination of technical analysis

As the stock market in the asymmetric information, coupled with China's stock market at this stage at a relatively ineffective stage, in theory, it is a technical analysis of the foundation and conditions for survival. In specific investment practice, we can also observed that such a situation, some of insider trading, with its grasp of the insider information of listed companies to control and manipulate the stock prices of listed companies, may reap excessive profits to achieve its objectives. Therefore, technical analysis by some investors accept there is a market-based, the vast majority of the domestic securities investment analysis of the trading system based on technical analysis is justified.

   However, it is well known technical analysis method has its inherent defects, defects such decision a single technical analysis or technical analysis indicators easy to fall into the "anti-technical analysis" of the trap, we need a variety of technical analysis or a variety of technical analysis Indicators and other methods of analysis of the integrated use. We will be a variety of technical analysis or technical analysis of various indicators of the comprehensive use of technical analysis method called the combination. At present, the technical analysis based securities investment analysis of the trading system is one of the main features of the development characteristics include a combination of technical analysis indicators of technical analysis methods. Especially in the capital, costs and profit and loss and so on, the market is an urgent need to guide the combination of technical analysis indicators.

   Through the many at home and abroad mainly to the technical analysis of investment securities trading systems analysis, we found that combination of technical analysis the main features in the following areas: First, the combination of technical analysis must have a comprehensive approach, which is to Comprehensive technical analysis of the four major elements: price, quantity, time and space. Only contains all the essential elements in order to have a more accurate analysis and judgement of the results. Second, the combination of technical analysis to reflect changes in stock price cycle, including the overall market trend and the cycle of the price cycle of stocks. Experienced technical analysis will find, at different stages of the cycle of technical analysis is different from the performance, or for the performance of the different trading signals, or performance for the accuracy of certain differences, the main reason is that they did not consider cycle Role. In view of the majority of technical analysis indicators and technical analysis methods have not considered cyclical, we think that through the combination of technical analysis can make up for a single method of technical analysis method in the cyclical aspects of the defects. Third, the combination of technical analysis to combine the overall trend of market trends or plate design. We know that the overall market trend or plate movements affect the movements of stocks, and therefore combination of technical analysis must consider the overall market trend or plate movements.

   In addition, construction of a practical combination of technical analysis methods need to consider the user's personality. For different users, because he has different investment and operating strategy, its combination of technical analysis methods are different, have certain personality characteristics. For example, the same technical analysis, if the operating performance of a strategy for the radical, and the other to secure performance, then they will use different methods of technical analysis

Bundles of new shares issued


   • issuance of new shares package outlined

   • package of three key issues

   • package issued by the two major impact

   • package issued hasten to make a profit

   Issuance of new shares package outlined

   The so-called "package issue" is based on the amount of funding to be a few individual financing for small bundled with new shares issued at the same time, and in the distribution of publicity prior to that issue and fund-raising total number of homes.

   "Bundles of new shares issued," the discussion of popular concern in the market. Speed up the issuance of new shares to two per week, but through the trial will wait for the listed companies are still many, the issue of long cycle has led to the Star-car issue price-earnings ratio of only 6.78 times the theatre scene. How sustainability in the market, subject to accelerate the pace of new shares issued has been imminent, "bundles of new shares issued" model is a possible way.

   Packing three key issues

   Packing three key issues - the scale, pace and manner

   For investors, the most concerned about is the process of packing the funding issue size, distribution and the distribution of rhythm.

   First, the scale of funding, in the first quarter of this year issued 14 A shares, six A-shares in circulation in the size of the share capital of 50 million shares of the following, the average size of financing for about 300 million yuan. According to no less than a quarter of the funding on the scale of the rate of increase in April after the IPO will be the scale of financing at least not less than 2 billion yuan. According to conservative estimates of the rate increase, the scale of new shares issued will be around 25-30 billion, which means that only 8-10 Small Cap will be listed.

   Second, the rhythm from the issue, in accordance with the "packaged spacing issue," the idea that if three Small Cap packaged distribution, you will need about three times that week about the funding needs of 9-10 billion if five small Issued shares-packaged, the monthly need only about 2 issue, that is, every week there are about 1.5 billion financing needs, equivalent to a market share of the funding scale.

   Third, from the distribution, if extended to secondary market investors Placing the way, 3 / week in the packing method will improve the success rate to around 20 percent, while 5 / Fortnight, the package will form In the success rate increased to about 25 percent (according to March data estimates). March since the opening of new shares average margin of 0.046 percent, but if taking into account the new shares listed on the decentralization process chips, is expected to open the first day of the average profit margin will be reduced, and taking into account the mobility of factors, the IPO is expected to pack MORE margins are likely to be lower than market shares listed on the same scale, the average closed margins.

   Package issued by the two major impact

   Package issued by the two major influence - money-oriented and expansion expected

   Since the resumption of placing the secondary market, the hoarding in a large number of purchase, the market does not like the funds, as envisaged in the secondary market flows, and more is back to the bank. If the package of new shares issued by the secondary market to continue placing a comprehensive manner, which will not play the same role in guiding capital. And the use of double compared to pre-distribution of market shares, the issue of new shares in the packaging stock funds in the market to some extent the pressure will be greater. In other words, the same size of the package of new shares will be the same size of the market share of the market have a greater impact.

   Second, the expected expansion from the point of view, small capitalization shares issued does not mean that the package super market to stop the issuance of shares. At present, some Analysts said the financing will very urgent. If taken to the Small Cap market shares, so that the practice, it is estimated that package issued by Small Cap fund-raising scale will not be lower than wait for the issuance of stock market size, or even the size of the overall funding will be greatly increased.

   Packing issued birth of the profit model

   "Packaging issue" likely to hasten the birth of a new profitability model

   It should be noted that "packaging issue" will certainly face the current market expansion pressure, which at present is to promote capital market, will undoubtedly have a certain short-term impact. In the meantime, Small Cap concentrated "package issue" if we can hasten the birth of the new investment profit, the impact on the market may also have a dramatic effect.

   First of all, after the recent market-share listed Xianyihouyang out of the pattern has been to create unique "Wan mode", which became part of the past six months the major investors profit model. Small Cap listing on whether the speech continued, "Wan mode," a cause for concern. If the Small Cap listing on the market expansion pressure drag, the market will have to "pack Small Cap" on the value of bias or discrimination, in its collective down the process, some good quality Small Cap will be forced to Xianyihouyang out of the trend, and once formed its demonstration effect, it can be packaged in this part of the Small Cap formed a unique plate. From a historical experience, the small capitalization shares of speculative funds has been the focus of favored objects, from this point of view, the use of "packaging issue" caused by low stock prices fell in the collection of small capitalization stocks cheap bargaining chip, then most likely The birth of a larger wave of speculative market.

   Secondly, investment analysis, "the new Small Cap Market" and "The market prices" will be shown two types of funds and again against the process. In fact, since 1 14, the value investors Zhongcang object - - low-priced market shares far outperform the market. For the current A-share market continues to occupy a large proportion of speculative funds, in the current round of market estimates of profit is very limited. Therefore, with focus on small capitalization stocks, "packaged for sale," the turning point, speculative funds are likely in the "market share" into adjustment, with the new Small Cap the power play turned a battle. But the premise that the market panic caused by Small Cap Value underestimated, and the big investors because of liquidity considerations do not want to intervene at this time, such a new Small Cap is likely to usher in the big turnaround for speculative opportunities, and may trigger off to a Kind of "packaging issue - panic decrease - the value of recovery - overestimated the value of" new investment mode.

On the road to the investment fundamentals

I do talk about their experiences on it, I was in 1993 the stock market, no computer at that time, his paintings K Line, the paper every night with coordinates of painting. With computers in 1996 to not only painted K-Line. When conditions are very poor, but in good spirits. Zuo Gupiao the first time, basic股评is watching and recreating simple technical analysis of select stocks, good stops on the implementation of strict discipline, in that harsh Bear saved the city itself. 1996 began to do their own research, gradually understand the value of their research, is the beginning of all the 183 stocks all do it again, out of which the second year that the shield 2 / 3 of the future, every new stock issues, I will carefully Look at the brochure, should be included in the list of follow-up study, and no longer have to study the value of the omissions. Now each year about 50 to be done to the company. The first to do research at the very superficial, but are still relatively successful, for instance, Shen Changcheng, I carefully read the statement, and then brought back to Shenzhen and the urban transportation plans, Shen Changcheng control to see how the location of the property lots , Resulting Shen Changcheng Estate valuable conclusions. Xinjiangtunhe when I have to do with their feet to the Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture of the railway from Urumqi, now find themselves up to funny.

   I feel that the end of 1996 the stock market recovery has been far too hasty move, the central bursts of 12 gold medals seem indifferent to the market, bear market in 1993 with the baptism I sniff out dangerous from the flavor, in considering new investment objectives I set our sights Into the then 96 (8) bonds, 8-year interest-bearing bonds in denominations of 100 yuan, the annual interest rate 8.56 percent, while the prevailing market price is only around 98 yuan, I think the market in the mistakes, bought 96 (8) The spot bonds will be profitable in more than 10 percent, and is absolutely risk-free profits, so I will be in the stock market following the withdrawal of all funds into 96 (8) of treasury bonds was 96 (8) bonds include the entire bond market We all clear trend, I really have tasted is the sweetness of their own research.

   On the creation of value, the most successful research is to find those that have not yet recognized by the market or market erroneous understanding of the industry and listed companies, for instance, in 1996 the emerging computer industry and in 1998 the telecommunications equipment industry, just because of the rise of industry At that time the stock market or their lack of understanding of fundamental has yet to note that overlook the value of investments in these sectors; industry have long recession due to poor performance by the market and their own offensive Xianqi already quietly changing in the industry, such as in 1999 The real estate industry, the liquor industry in 2003. For those who long recession in the industry we should eyes wide open, because no industry has been recession will continue, unless that is indeed a result of technological innovation or social change and ensnared the industry. For those who have been continuous high-growth industries and companies to harbor vigilance, because the extreme prosperity always buried behind the rapid decline of the seeds, any industry will be the role of gravity in the fast-growing but also accumulated the same number of contradictions And problems of these contradictions and problems to a certain time of the outbreak and will certainly reflect them.

   I have several big top escaped but was later does not seem wise, the 1996 top defectors missed Dongtaiapai, 2001 Shenzhen Vanke Korean defectors to the top again missed, summing up his back and in fact the stock market peaked or not Is not so terrible, so long as the hands of the stock does have investment value, for the efforts it has enough self-confidence should be retained, not to ignore market Change. I think the mentality of stability comes from you on a deep understanding of things, With this, you will not be the acts of other people around.

   Those securities companies is also a research report I see, but mainly to see the inside to provide some basic information and a unique perspective, I think that down the years who report a certain value, but not of great value, and found that a significant investment Mainly on its own. A research report to a certain timeliness, it may not be to our hands is the first time the position tend to have a problem, the author may not be able to stand completely independent of the objective to express their position on the results of the analysis.

Loansharking the impact on the stock market

Recently on civil borrowing many news reports, read, a feeling of inverted suction Liang Qi, why have such a feeling? »

   According to reports, and other places in Wenzhou, private lending need to pay 1 million monthly interest 80,000, equivalent to 96 per cent of the yield. Although such a high interest rate is terror, but the lending business was very popular, this is the so-called loan sharking.

   From which I have come to two conclusions: First, many enterprises in urgent need of funds, the funds now linked very tense, even if the high interest rates to borrow money, the future capital strand breaks may break out at any time of the incident and the other is the rate of return of such funds Not very high normal, this rate of return not only to compare the general business, even more than a lot of profiteering industry profit margins. I do not know how to deal with companies borrow money from high interest rates, this abnormal return sooner or later they will produce a result that many borrowers disappeared, even if creditors holding collateral to the realization, may also suffer losses.

   Such high interest rates will bring the stock market two bad influence, first, there are opportunities for investors to sell their shares to the pursuit of high interest rates of lending profits, the stock market further reduced the attractiveness of the second is for the future of the economy stable Leaving a hidden danger that once the tension lot of money no longer be able to support enterprises on the stock market how can the exception «Of course, these are Yuanlv, almost no worries that the recent market to see technical or more effective.

   Today is the last trading day this week, the market is very delicate. If we can not放量rose more than 80 points, then K-Line will continue to be a five-week average of repression, the trend next week on less favourable if the market放量up, then the market trend tends to healthy, you can consider the appropriate increase Wharf. As to further the trend, I am more concerned about the technical characteristics of Shanghai First one-day transaction volume of over 100 billion yuan whether, the 20-day MA it can be overcome.

   Millions of funds: to position.

   Stock pond: to position.


What the best method of stock ?

Stock only a good way, I never use strange indicators, and five, 10, on the 30th of the average system rules, etc. I only useful, I can easily understand that most people think, and Countermeasures decision. The stock, I still think that a good stock only way you can, regardless of length of the short-term, this approach is,万变不离其宗them.

One condition: the general trend of a different different options.

Rally when the choice of plate type stocks; breakthrough in the consolidation of stocks better; fall when I will not do the plate, even if done, in addition to those outside the stocks leading shares will not be brought to follow.

Two conditions: Select leading stocks.

If the stock was in the lead Qianyou How can we earn less than in other stocks to make money on it »Even if I do the whole plate, there is also a bargaining chip in a more concentrated as the leader. Similarly, even Chaodie rebound, such as a bargaining chip prices are also the most concentrated.

Three conditions: as far as late buying.

This day of the graphics done, we can easily see that the intent will not be confused.

Four conditions: Do not be intimidated by the Yangxian.

Zhangfujuqian there are a few of the stocks in that the day after tomorrow will be good.

Five conditions: reference market.

Analysis of the market than the simple units, multi-Yam-long bull market, bear market yin-yang and more long.

Conditions 6: Do not believe the remarks or to buy more.

After the quantitative risks can be found, the more or buy more than the more up to buy the much greater risk. If the stop-loss dropped in, decisive sold.

7 conditions: homeopathy community.

But to understand the logic extremes meet, the stock rose 56 days up tomorrow? »Points: all all all, the relatively large volume  Huan Shoulv are very important, I would even like to buy the day's changing hands Rate of 15% -20% of the shares. This is also related to whether the profit you can smooth out  compared to the larger funds than people.

Some simple experience: high pulled out under the shadow line should not think that is a good thing, it's probably because I am part of a bargaining chip in again after La Shanglai for me tomorrow to prepare for shipping. Elevated high Hengpan or after the Dow fell, or fell after the Dow Elevated fear that the shipments are recent signs, especially the latter that has Wuxinlianzhan

How to determine the movements of funds ?

Technical analysis of the stock index up more than 100 species, but in the final analysis, the most basic is the price and volume, other indicators of these two indicators is nothing more than the variation or extension. We all know that prices of the basic principles of relations "is the result of volume, the price is fruit; first volume, prices in the post-" In other words, turnover is the internal driving force for change in stock prices, which export a wide range of people in price relations The rules to guide the specific investment.

   In practice, people will find the basis of relations between the price for the sale of specific stocks, often blunder. Especially in the main judgement based on volume shipments and Xipan, error rates higher. Then, in actual investment, according to how the changes in volume, the right to determine the direction of access to funds, or that the turnover in accordance with changes in how accurately determine the funds in the ship or Xipan it »

   Practice has proved that, in accordance with changes in the turnover of the following characteristics, the session could be the big money is not in Xipan to make a more accurate judgement:

   First of all, because the active involvement of the main force, the original boring stock turnover in the apparent efforts to enlarge become active, there Jiashengliangzeng trend. In order to the capital after the sharp Elevated to clear away the obstacles, have had to be short-term profit was forcibly wiped clean. This Xipan, in the K-Line on the performance of the yin and yang-and Hengpan shocks. At the same time, big money is aimed at retail investors out, therefore, the K-shares are often a form of clear, "the head shape."

   Secondly, in Xipan stage, K Line is often a combination of continuous overcast and overcast at the number of times, and each time have to overcast with huge turnover, as if the funds are being wantonly shipments, in fact, not. Look carefully you will find, when a massive big Yam, shares little below on the 10th moving average, short-term moving average of stock prices constitute a strong support, the low funds to cover the signs at a glance.

   Third, in Xipan, as the analysis of changes in the turnover of key indicators OBV, both lines will also appear in some obvious features, mainly as follows: when there is more than a massive overcast, stock prices on the 5th, the average daily volume of 10 Always keep running up that big money has been Zengcang, stock trading was active, good investors. In addition, the quantitative indicators OBV turnover in the stock price shocks during the peak, always keep up, even if the instant fall, will quickly pull up and be able to hit a new high recently. This shows that the amount can be from the single point of view, stock prices have been rising sharply with the conditions.

Hide of the 10 top selling shares secret signal

The ever-changing language in the disk will hide some transient in the delicate "signal." Sometimes these signals will be very accurately tell you upward trend has been reversed, you should have your hands of the stock decisively thrown out.

   Sorted out 10 kinds of commonly used and relatively more practical technical language and operating skills, in ideal circumstances, they can help you take the bad trend as soon as possible before shipping, access to the best interests or to minimize losses.

   MACD Sicha for the peak signal

   Elevated after sharp stock price after Hengpan, the formation of a relatively high, investors in particular, the large amount of money investors must be shipped in the first selling points, or Jiancang. At this time the judgement skills to set up the first selling point is "shares Hengpan and MACD Sicha," Sicha on the formation of a selling point is the first time.

   After the formation of the first selling points, some stocks did not appear down, the main force may be long after the pullback as a cover shipments pretend to break up and do the last time before the ship Elevated. Top judge is the establishment of skills when the stock price is a virtual wave Elevated at a record high, MACD are not synchronized, the second-wave clear the area before a large wave that will continue to decline in volume, they have deviated from the trend, Shares peaked is a clear signal.

   At this time a high point in a wave of the bull market is often the highest prices, at this time can not be successfully fled the case, the consequences would be unthinkable. Have to say is the absolute top-selling stock, and so must not be sold after the MACD Sicha, because when the MACD Sicha, shares have dropped by many in the top selling virtual waves must take into consideration K-Line stock portfolio. This is also the center line MACD as the shortcomings of the indicators.

   Generally speaking, the virtual waves in the course of Rafah if there is "Gaokaidizou Yinxian" or "long under the shadow of Yangxian limit", is an excellent time to sell. Need to remind is that the MACD is lagging indicators, with MACD find the best selling point especially for those who fled the top after a substantial Elevated to the first platform for the stock, not suitable for those radical widening decline in the stock. In addition, most of the above two points in the shares rose after, that is, it appears in the main stock Shenglang, if a stock has not been substantially higher, not the main Shenglang, not to use the above method.

   KDJ polarization patterns showed that peaked

   Usually, a long time or in rapid market trend of unilateralism, there放量or the extreme reverse the trend, with the technical support of classics, such as large Tiaokong Star Line-K Line KDJ the K-value reached more than 85, is peaked The typical signal.

   When KDJ indicators of the reach of change in value of J U-turn downward, to sell 50%; k value of the reach of change can be prepared to walk normally sold, k values change U-turn down, clearing when KDJ indicators formed Sicha, this is the last The selling point.

   Sometimes, however, stocks or market peaked at a high level official reverse a downward trend, dropping down the formation of the momentum, and their MACD indicators also killed a high cross, we can not because the market or the stocks issued KDJ indicators oversold signals blind Chaodi, Because technically there are often "under the end of" the situation, so this KDJ indicators are often out of order.

   Long shadow on the line to be more careful

   Long shadow on the line is a clear signal peaked. Rise in prices rose to a certain stage, or for放量Chonggao 3-5 consecutive trading days放量, and the daily Huan Shoulv are more than 4 percent. When the largest turnover appears, its Huan Shoushuai often more than 10%, which means that the main force in Lagao shipments. If a closed-hatched on that Chonggao down, heavy selling. If the shares can not be recovered the next day the day before yesterday, hatched, began shrinking turnover, showed that investors will adjust, to encounter this situation must be resolutely Jiancang even the clearing.

   Cross for the high-risk signs

   More room for increase, the market may be a systemic risk孕育hair, especially at this time to pay attention to the K-Line. K-Line in the day or long cross-hatched on the inverted hammer-shaped Yangxian or Yinxian, the key is to sell the stock.

   K-Line, a high cross-Duokong show strong differences, or the situation will be a buyer's market to a seller's market, a high cross-sing like a car at a crossroads faced the red light, reflecting the market will be a turning point, to avoid risks can be shipped. Shares surged after a long shadow line with the inverted hammer-shaped Yinxian, who sold the same day, the air of superiority, if the turnover great day, even peaked signal. Many units or a high cross-inverted hammer-shaped shadow on the long Yinxian, 80% -90% chance of a big head, Jiancang for the best.

   Double-headed, long shape of the bullet Kyrgyzstan

   When the stock no longer form a new breakthrough, a second head, should be firmly sold, as the first head to head are the second major phase of distribution. M shape is a right-left is for low-to-ship Lagao, sometimes also likely to form the right-left peak is higher than the lure more down-to reverse more frightening, as for other head-like head-and-shoulder top, Triple top, top round are the same, just below neckline support had to quickly settle and hold shares, so losses expand.

   Drubbing important variable-MA vigilance

  放量after the stock fell below average on the 10th and can not be restored, and then five weeks line has been penetrated, should be firmly sold. For those who just apply to withdraw from this particularly beneficial. How can I confirm that support at this it is particularly critical. Generally speaking, the average first day on the 10th after breaking the station the next day but did not pull back on the support level (for example, on the 30th MA), the confirmation is Powei, pull back when the time is Jiancang. If stock prices continue to break on the 30th or the 60th day MA MA, and other important indicators to the clearing firm.

   In addition, as the stock price downward, and gradually formed a downward spiral, the average Zhou in short order. If after a rebound on the stock 30 or 60-day MA did not take a firm, the firm should be sold.

   Single-day "T +0" the sale of lower cost

   Mainly rely on the daily stock price fluctuations, the use of small price differences解套. For example, if 100 shares apply, opened lower today, the stock or shares fell, when prices stabilize resilient, immediately bought 100 shares, once gained, sold 100 shares while the former can be profitable if the stock opened higher Or Chonggao peaked after first selling 100

The maximum stock tips

The maximum stock tips

1, at the top and bottom of market analysis and technology are all technology stocks in the two most important technology, market analysis at the top and bottom of the potential, even if the stock is in the novice can make money in the stock market. If these two do not have the technology or your two technical accuracy rate is not high, you learn the more technical units are of no use: either because you can not accurate analysis of market shipments at the top and lost opportunities, or you can not Accurate analysis of market Chaodi copy at the bottom and often wrong, both situations will allow you to lose money and lose in-capital. Domestic experts and other popular stock speculation materials are not provided the two most critical technologies: whether they have these two technologies? «Certainly not these two technologies they have such a high rate of accuracy?« No, the vast majority of domestic Most experts are still the main use of traditional technology market analysis, the accuracy rate of less than 30 per cent. Wang shares and God has a unique but the best at the top and bottom of market analysis techniques, and their accuracy has reached 90 percent.


2, Not only that, God shares Wang's technical analysis of stocks dark horse in the country is the most advanced. Now we only know the importance of turnover, in fact, can not be based solely on turnover accurate analysis of the dark horse. As long as you observe carefully, you will find the stock market, the real dark horse is the largest operation of securities investment funds, stock, and the operation of the fund's shares can not be judged according to the turnover. Reason for this is to study dark horse, on turnover of stock prices are far more important than the study. Only God-shares stock shares theorem and top-secret Unit God-effective form of dark horses before the first truly reveals the secret of the shares and shape the nature of dark horse, she is not only uncovered the majority of the dark horse weapons, but also uncovered the Securities Investment Fund The only dark horse operation of the weapons.


3, God always Wang shares of technology stocks lead the new trend, God-Unit's "anti-Dow Theory" and "only stock not cheat people" thinking and effective form of theory in the world are revolutionary new ideas, Thinking.


4, Wang founding of the shares of God "effective form of stock" is a well-deserved share of the world's first dark horse altar theory and analysis of the first dark horse skills. The author of "effective form of stock" is actually a general theory, the trick, because the theory contains n strokes, the author not only on this n strokes of each trick, but this n strokes with a unified model Expression. This is the history of Chinese and foreign stocks, on the characteristics of various types of dark horse of the most essential, the highest level, the most successful abstract. Wang shares of God "theory of stock effective form of" technical analysis of stocks in the world history of an epoch-making great creation of a new and important milestone.

5, Wang invented by God Unit talent lightning fast at the bottom of market indicators, such as family market analysis methods more priceless, the series is the most exquisite, the highest rate of accurate market analysis skills, technical analysis of stocks in the absolutely must, Wang Wang, Po Po in the Chinese stock market technical analysis is a great creation.

China shares God Linyuan stock speculation Cheats

No matter more rich imagination, you can not think of a little medical student who, from 1989 the whole family put together 8,000 yuan started, to join China's stock market, 18, Lin Yuan's wealth was "nuclear fission" as rapid growth, To its value in 2007 reached over 20 million. How many people were killed in a dangerous shoals and reefs of the shares of China, Lin Yuan never losses over a single penny when many people rely on gambling and speculation paranoia暴富night, Lin Yuan has two legs and one alone will be the Suanzhang Wenwen in the brain, huge lot to make money. -- He is God Linyuan shares. France Reuters, the British Financial Times, the United States CNN, China Central Television…… countless media on a large Lin Yuan-page report. In many people are concerned, Lin Yuan's investment philosophy and the United States "shares God," Warren Buffett • There are many similarities, China Central Television called "China shares God." June 2006, "Beijing Youth Daily" also issued to Lin Yuan "China Buffett," a reputation, but Lin Yuan unconvinced. "I do not have to follow any strategy, it is people imitate me," Lin Yuan in Britain's "Financial Times" said in an interview, "Why should I concern Buffett»


How to distinguish between true and false up

First, Chaodie rebound after Hui Chou Po Wei, the general is "false up." Chaodie in the bear market rally, or after Po Wei Fanchou, the probability of more, mostly in the context of the following techniques: MA short order, stock index or a downward path, or stock indexes of the operation, in the short-term drop in The middle, after the paragraph.

   Chaodie rebound is the most important features: the average price comparison, the rate Deviation large or larger. Under such circumstances the rise, a "limited time" and "limited space" the restoration of the trend. In general, the higher end of the region, mostly in the vicinity of a major MA, for example, 20 antennas, or 30 antennas. However, 20, 30 Fanchou to the antenna near the hard, or the past but untenable, it will launch a new wave of decline. Therefore, Chao Die Chaodi the rebound, if not good at Kuaijinkuaichu, will apply. After all, investors are not the same "false up" the Tianchangdijiu. This "false up" was "false", because: stock indexes or above, as the average short order, so there was trapped at various levels. Resistance in the vicinity of buying, each for the others belong to the "People's Liberation Army." If a certain period of the Bombay stock is "false up" most of the stock, the index rose also guard against "false up."

   As for the double top, the top triple Po Wei neckline, or a major technology-Powei, or a major integral after Po Wei Guan, a general Fanchou, meaning Fanchou to verify the validity. This rise, time and space more limited. Once involved in this up, very easily trapped Gerou was incurred, the解套-suppressed, thus apply. Kuaijinkuaichu also need attention. "Fake up" was "false", because: Lagao only to better shipments.

   Second, take the main Shenglang is the "true up" and "harvest." Regardless of the bull market or bear market, only "Lord Shenglang" is the greatest "cake." The main Shenglang take stock, bound to exist the following characteristics: MA longs with. (MA longs with all the shares are not taking the main Shenglang, but the main Shenglang take stock of their MA will longs order). Therefore, stock are the first in the average stock in the multiple choice. Regardless of the bull market or bear market, it is the choice of technical Niugu the first condition. Secondly, look at stock prices, indexes where waves form, the first wave or Long third, or fifth wave. Shenglang to the main election, the third wave will choose a better success rate. This is the choice of Niugu the technical conditions and the second line of thought. In general, double bottom patterns, head-and-shoulder patterns at the end of the stock, once completed form of a breakthrough, and after the completion of Form breakthrough Huichou confirmed that the main Shenglang start, the third wave of high probability. This is the choice of Niugu the technical conditions and the third line of thought. The main Shenglang take stock, rose so called "true up" in its cost by the intensity of strong, more reliable. Italian all the way and can be a double.

Stock investment tips

Investment Master Jim Rogers on April 7, 2008 in the Netherlands banks in Hong Kong to host an investment conference meeting to accept the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zhuan Fangshi and De Tanhua, revealed the secret of the stock investment is what is »

   Is to choose what kind of stocks? «Indeed, Jim Rogers talked about the" A-shares, he bought a focus on water treatment, agriculture, electricity and travel four major sections, he considered that these industries from other countries in economic impact. "I think that this is important, and we will seriously reference, but most likely not a stock investment tips. This is because people also tend to be found outside of the four major sections Niugu big at the same time, the above-mentioned four major sections within the Unit may also Youxiong even Bear shares.

   Then, what is it »

   We look at the ------

   Has a four-year-old-age daughter in the Rogers three weeks ago has a small daughter. To the new baby the best gift, in his view, which no doubt is just the beginning of the value of experience now after the collapse of the A shares. Rogers said that he is in two three weeks ago began to buy these shares, "the adjustment of the stock market now, even if the future with greater down, I will continue to buy." He said that China is a development so Good country, at any time to buy China stocks, 10 to 20 years after the big city to make money.

   "I do not care about the price now, I did not see!" When a reporter asked him to buy these stocks to make money or lose money, he replied that these stocks are his daughter to grow up can also hold the Investment products, prices fall, the lower the better for him, "We all proposals to buy!"

   Rogers said that in 2008 those Chinese companies to sell their shares, will be like in 1908 to sell U.S. stocks, like those who regret that the U.S. stock market has also experienced a crash, but all the people have become Bid Biggest winner.

   Tip 1: a long-term vision. How long is long-term «10 to 20! Buy shares to think of" 10 to 20 after. " Bought "The stock is his daughter to grow up can also hold the investment products", while his only daughter, a 4-year-old half, before a three week. "Unit God," Buffett said: "If you do not want to have a stock 10 years, then do not have to consider it for 10 minutes."

   Why do we have a lot of retail investors lose money »because short-sighted. To what extent the short »1.2 days» 1.2 on «would like to in a very short period of time to make money. As everyone knows, "haste makes waste not to!" So short-sighted, do not lose money Caiguai.

   Tip 2: "I do not care about the price now, I did not see!"

   Why do we have a lot of retail investors lose money «too concerned about the current stock price. Now the skyrocketing prices plummeted very easy for us and Fangcun Shoumangjiaoluan chaos. So sure the operation under the extreme poor, so very easy for us to have been disturbed by the attitude of more unrest, the already bad attitude has become even worse. Deterioration of mentality will only get worse operation. Mentality of deterioration - bad operation - even worse attitude - even worse operation. . . . . . This vicious circle continue and not lose money Caiguai!

Stock investment tips

Investment Master Jim Rogers on April 7, 2008 in the Netherlands banks in Hong Kong to host an investment conference meeting to accept the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Zhuan Fangshi and De Tanhua, revealed the secret of the stock investment is what is »

   Is to choose what kind of stocks? «Indeed, Jim Rogers talked about the" A-shares, he bought a focus on water treatment, agriculture, electricity and travel four major sections, he considered that these industries from other countries in economic impact. "I think that this is important, and we will seriously reference, but most likely not a stock investment tips. This is because people also tend to be found outside of the four major sections Niugu big at the same time, the above-mentioned four major sections within the Unit may also Youxiong even Bear shares.

   Then, what is it »

   We look at the ------

   Has a four-year-old-age daughter in the Rogers three weeks ago has a small daughter. To the new baby the best gift, in his view, which no doubt is just the beginning of the value of experience now after the collapse of the A shares. Rogers said that he is in two three weeks ago began to buy these shares, "the adjustment of the stock market now, even if the future with greater down, I will continue to buy." He said that China is a development so Good country, at any time to buy China stocks, 10 to 20 years after the big city to make money.

   "I do not care about the price now, I did not see!" When a reporter asked him to buy these stocks to make money or lose money, he replied that these stocks are his daughter to grow up can also hold the Investment products, prices fall, the lower the better for him, "We all proposals to buy!"

   Rogers said that in 2008 those Chinese companies to sell their shares, will be like in 1908 to sell U.S. stocks, like those who regret that the U.S. stock market has also experienced a crash, but all the people have become Bid Biggest winner.

   Tip 1: a long-term vision. How long is long-term «10 to 20! Buy shares to think of" 10 to 20 after. " Bought "The stock is his daughter to grow up can also hold the investment products", while his only daughter, a 4-year-old half, before a three week. "Unit God," Buffett said: "If you do not want to have a stock 10 years, then do not have to consider it for 10 minutes."

   Why do we have a lot of retail investors lose money »because short-sighted. To what extent the short »1.2 days» 1.2 on «would like to in a very short period of time to make money. As everyone knows, "haste makes waste not to!" So short-sighted, do not lose money Caiguai.

   Tip 2: "I do not care about the price now, I did not see!"

   Why do we have a lot of retail investors lose money «too concerned about the current stock price. Now the skyrocketing prices plummeted very easy for us and Fangcun Shoumangjiaoluan chaos. So sure the operation under the extreme poor, so very easy for us to have been disturbed by the attitude of more unrest, the already bad attitude has become even worse. Deterioration of mentality will only get worse operation. Mentality of deterioration - bad operation - even worse attitude - even worse operation. . . . . . This vicious circle continue and not lose money Caiguai!

Buffett's true story

10,000 U.S. dollars into 270 million - the true story of Warren Buffett (1)

Editor's note: the world has more than 60 million people. In this vast human sea, the richest person is not • Warren Buffett, is • Bill Gates. Buffett smart outstanding, humorous extreme. It is also because of his human integrity and high moral character, dedication, clear thinking and quick reaction, makes him a celebrity in humans were recorded on the investment has a lofty position. Benban since today we are launching a lengthy series of "the true story of Buffett" in the hope of the majority of readers have enlightenment.

If you're in 1956 to 10,000 U.S. dollars to Warren Buffett • • Edwards (WarrenEdwardBuffett), it has become today about 270 million U.S. dollars. This is just after-tax income!

However, Berkshire companies (Berkshire) shareholders of the investment is by no means smooth sailing. In 1973 to 1974 economic recession, the company has been severely hit, and its stock price from 90 U.S. dollars per share fell to 40 dollars per share. In 1987 the stock market crash, stock prices from about 4,000 U.S. dollars per share fell to 3,000 U.S. dollars. In 1990 ~ 1991 Gulf War, it rocked the stock price sharply from 8,900 U.S. dollars per share fell to 5,500 U.S. dollars. In 1998 to 2000 period, the company announced the acquisition of Berkshire General Re (GeneralRe), it's shares from mid-1998 about 80,000 U.S. dollars per share fell to early 2000's 40,800 U.S. dollars.

   However, do not forget, since Buffett in the 1960s this cheap acquisition of the mill since the verge of bankruptcy, Berkshire company has undergone a qualitative change. At that time, Berkshire company is only a "residual pumping the first cigar," Buffett to an extremely low price of investment is only called "a residual smoke." Today, in accordance with standard accounting equity (net assets) to measure, Berkshire is the world's biggest listed companies. In the United States, Berkshire's net assets ranked fifth, ranked America Online - Time Warner, Citigroup, Exxon - Mobil Oil Corporation and Viacom after.

   If in 1956, your parents give you 10,000 U.S. dollars, and Buffett and ask you to invest, if you are lucky or very far-sighted, your funds will get 27,000 times the astonishing returns, while in the same period of the Road Jones Industrial Average index rose by only about 11 times. Furthermore, the Dow Jones index is a pre-tax value, so it is a virtual rose values. If Berkshire's stock price to 75,000 U.S. dollars, after deducting all expenses, to pay the taxes after an initial investment of 10,000 U.S. dollars will be quickly turned into 270 million U.S. dollars, of which occurred in the initial part of the cost of partnership Enterprises. After deducting all the costs and taxes before the first of 10,000 U.S. dollars investment will be rapidly increased to over 300 million U.S. dollars! No wonder some people to Berkshire stock known as: "People desperately want to get a gift" .

   If you late, until Buffett Berkshire acquired in 1965 when the company began investing, then you have the 10,000 U.S. dollars investment now will become more than 6,000 million U.S. dollars. If you put 10,000 U.S. dollars invested in the Standard & Poor's 500 index, its value is now about 500,000 U.S. dollars. Incidentally, be able to overcome the Standard & Poor's index of the very few investors. The Standard & Poor's index "As of December 31, 1997 of 16, outperforming 91 percent of stock mutual funds." (Te Weidi - Brown report).

   There is one thing to mention, Te Weidi - Brown's traditional fund management companies is the value of investments paternal • Graham (BenGraham) one of the early securities brokers, Graham at Columbia University nurture and mold The Buffett. • Executive Director Chris Brown's father served as Buffett did in the early advisers.

   • Chris Brown, not without regret to say, as Buffett's financial advisers, professional ethics does not allow him to invest in Berkshire - Hathaway. Worse, his father in September 1970 to 1,000 U.S. dollars worth of Berkshire stock as a wedding gift for his brother, Berkshire's stock price at that time about 40 U.S. dollars. Unfortunately, his brother sell these shares to cover their wedding expenses. • Chris Brown said: "He did it just to honeymoon is not all Banxi Shi." Younger brother stresses ostentation, Baikuo Qi, now burned through about 1.5 million U.S. dollars of the money. Brown had argued that: "It's all 30 of what happened before." However, this is a costly honeymoon.

   Spring 1965, when Berkshire acquired the company Buffett, Berkshire's stock price more than 10 U.S. dollars only, while the Dow Jones index close to 1,000 points in 1983, Berkshire's stock price is about 1,000 U.S. dollars, The Dow Jones industrial average is about 1,000 points to 2002, the Dow Jones index of about 10,000, Berkshire's stock price rose by about 75,000 U.S. dollars.

   If your investments so that you become a millionaire, you may want to know what it means for Buffett. The answer is: He has repeatedly become a billionaire. Buffett did not inherit any property, his company Berkshire holders of more than 30 per cent stake, this is an investment holding company, it has a large number of stocks, bonds, cash and other investments as well as numerous varieties of Industrial Company. As Buffett holding a large number of Berkshire shares, a number of ways, Buffett is Berkshire, Berkshire company that is taken for granted the wisdom of his. He likens his company Berkshire canvas. Buffett recalled his work scenarios, the "women's Daily" (October 10, 1985) said: "I'm very satisfied with the work. Go to work every morning, I like to paint the Sistine Chapel to . "

Short-term trading tips

No matter whether you aware that you are in life in the trading of goods. Of course, you may have never futures contract to the way the sale of pork, but certainly have their own car, house or antiques and others transform cash or other items. Even if you have never done these transactions. Certainly have had time to exchange the experience of money, such as teachers, lawyers, plumbers or plumbing the identity of making money. So. You almost half of the Futures Exchange is already a member, has not only aware of their own sake.

When we use the time to deal, would also like to add our skills. That is why brain surgeon money per hour than the general surgeon, an outstanding football player quartile than the salaries of players and a surgeon cut the salaries of the total number of reasons, because he must bear more The cause of the risk. That does not mean that the value of a skill born more than a skill, just because

He compared the skills of a rare, but the risk is high. This special skills will allow the sale of such time and skills of people earn more money.

Gold analysis

K-Line on the map, spot gold closed at today under the shadow put on the line in Yangxian. Asian sessions, spot gold by promoting technical rebound and European sessions, due to the pressure by the dollar's rally, the spot gold price-taking earlier or New York sessions, investors buy the dips again to promote gold rose slowly.

Spot gold hit 902.80 U.S. dollars a maximum / ounce, the lowest lowered to 879.10 U.S. dollars / oz, to close at 899.50 U.S. dollars / oz, or 1.98 percent, in New York late Tuesday at 882.60 U.S. dollars / oz.

Fundamentals are favorable factors:

1. Traders pointed out that investors and jewellers in their panic buying of gold, Southeast Asia and Hong Kong's gold in the supply shortages, this phenomenon in the history of gold encountered the peak a few days later when the first round of selling is particularly evident.

2. Dollar fell slightly today, with its gold-denominated in other currencies relative to a more affordable to investors, boosting demand for gold.

Fundamentals are bearish factors:

1. Turkish gold imports in March this year than in the previous month and were down 95 percent, to 675 kilograms, a record low, the reasons for that gold hit record highs, while jewellery exports are likely to be hit.

2. Traders said that investors in India are still cautious, waiting in the upcoming April-May marriage before the influx of the more low-priced.

Technical pattern analysis:

K-Line on the map, spot gold closed at today under the shadow put on the line in Yangxian. Asian sessions, spot gold fell to undertake Tuesday of a trend to continue slightly lowered, hit 879.10 U.S. dollars / ounce after a low of days of technical rebound in demand for the support and a slight rebound in the European time, spot gold continuation of pressure in early trading Slowly rising trend, after the dollar's rally triggered profit-taking investors under the influence-taking earlier or New York time, spot gold by investors buying the dips and promote higher, after hit 902.80 U.S. dollars / oz days of high . Technical level, spot gold closed today in the 100-day moving average side, longs to provide some confidence; RSI indicators have Guaitou uplink, the indicators were also up a Jincha, showed that investors still rebound kinetic energy.

K-Line, Gold Up to now bring to a long line under the shadow of Yinxian


Western Pacific Bank (Westpac) currency strategist Robert Rennie said, spot gold in yesterday's retracement in the course of a few below the psychologically important level, the need to recover the gold 900 U.S. dollars / ounce mark, to return to 900-950 U.S. dollars / oz Interval. Rennie said that as the risk preferences emotional warming, reduced the fund's position in the commodity markets, the speculative bubble burst may lead to falling commodity prices 20 percent, but the commodity market trend is still up. He pointed out that the speculators are still very keen on investment in the commodity and the market has not been a lot of dollar short positions pushed up commodity prices if the spot gold is not possible to stand on 900 U.S. dollars / ounce mark, it is possible retracement to 800 Dollar / oz nearby, or down to 2006 since the mid-range 50 percent retracement of the 787 U.S. dollars / oz.

Lee Cheong Gold, head of trading said Ronald Leung, spot gold-week low of Sanya City, down the key points in the past seen at a record 850 U.S. dollars / ounce, spot gold is expected to be in the 850-920 dollar / oz wide range of shocks. Le ung pointed out that if gold can be held steady at 875 U.S. dollars / oz level, in the short term there will be a great chance to recover 900 U.S. dollars / ounce mark.

Thursday focus:

Eurozone retail sales in February, the United States last week, initial jobless claims, the U.S. March ISM non-manufacturing index.

Operation recommendations:

905 near the air, and 907 stop-loss goals 900/895/890

               920 near the air, and 923 stop-loss, goals 915/910

Do more suggestions: near 900, 898 stops, 905 goals, 907 on the break to see 912/918

  Midline approach: 905 near the air, breaking 908 on stop-loss, goals 895/883/873/855

Analysis of online gold

U.S. economy: U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson due and Philadelphia Fed President Pu Luosuo's speech supporting the dollar in late European City Elevated strong, suppressing oil prices plummeted last week to undertake a trend, also weighed on the spot gold fell below 950 U.S. dollars a key support, technology has continued to bearish. U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson Tuesday said that despite the stability in the housing market before the financial markets will continue to pressure, but is expected to be approved by Congress this week the Government to support enterprise reform programme, and once again stressed that a strong dollar in line with U.S. interests, core inflation is a measure of long-term The best indicators of trends. Philadelphia Fed President Pu Luosuo also pointed out that because of too loose monetary policy to maintain a long deterioration of the inflation problem, the policy adjustment宜早不宜迟and may require in the labour market or financial market recovery before raising interest rates. Also in the quarter, the World Gold Council investment in the summary that the stronger dollar and the impact of sluggish demand for gold, the average price of gold for the second quarter of 896.29 U.S. dollars, down nearly 30 U.S. dollars the previous quarter. Tuesday oil prices set a half-month low of 125.63 U.S. dollars / barrel, showing a tendency to undertake crash last week. Fall in oil prices eased inflationary expectations, helped the dollar rebounded sharply.

     K-Line on the map, spot gold closed at yesterday's long shadow on the Yinxian, subject to the recent high of 980 U.S. dollars and 1,000 U.S. dollars integral to suppress the resistance, gold down Tuesday Chonggao, and formed a Powei downward trend. Currently pulled out on video Changyin, below the low of 949.50 U.S. dollars last week, K Line is a "yin-yang package" combination of a 10-day MA below that Kongfangliliang take hold. At the same time, 5-day MA Guaitou downward, to be formed with the 10-day MA Sicha, and MACD indicators of high Guaitou down, the Green-began to enlarge, that short-term there is still downward pressure on gold. At present short-term key support in the 946 U.S. dollars, if effective under the broken, empty goal will point to 934, more solid support in the 915, if the effective break, it may have peaked a medium-term trend.

  Wednesday, the Bank of England announced July 9 to 10 monetary policy meeting records, the euro zone industrial orders in May, the United Kingdom in July CBI industrial orders margin, the U.S. crude inventories last week EIA changes.

[Market is the market risk of detailed proposals to be careful - contact 745846662

  U.S. economy: U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson due and Philadelphia Fed President Pu Luosuo's speech supporting the dollar in late European City Elevated strong, suppressing oil prices plummeted last week to undertake a trend, also weighed on the spot gold fell below 950 U.S. dollars a key support, technology has continued to bearish. U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson Tuesday said that despite the stability in the housing market before the financial markets will continue to pressure, but is expected to be approved by Congress this week the Government to support enterprise reform programme, and once again stressed that a strong dollar in line with U.S. interests, core inflation is a measure of long-term The best indicators of trends. Philadelphia Fed President Pu Luosuo also pointed out that because of too loose monetary policy to maintain a long deterioration of the inflation problem, the policy adjustment宜早不宜迟and may require in the labour market or financial market recovery before raising interest rates. Also in the quarter, the World Gold Council investment in the summary that the stronger dollar and the impact of sluggish demand for gold, the average price of gold for the second quarter of 896.29 U.S. dollars, down nearly 30 U.S. dollars the previous quarter. Tuesday oil prices set a half-month low of 125.63 U.S. dollars / barrel, showing a tendency to undertake crash last week. Fall in oil prices eased inflationary expectations, helped the dollar rebounded sharply.

     K-Line on the map, spot gold closed at yesterday's long shadow on the Yinxian, subject to the recent high of 980 U.S. dollars and 1,000 U.S. dollars integral to suppress the resistance, gold down Tuesday Chonggao, and formed a Powei downward trend. Currently pulled out on video Changyin, below the low of 949.50 U.S. dollars last week, K Line is a "yin-yang package" combination of a 10-day MA below that Kongfangliliang take hold. At the same time, 5-day MA Guaitou downward, to be formed with the 10-day MA Sicha, and MACD indicators of high Guaitou down, the Green-began to enlarge, that short-term there is still downward pressure on gold. At present short-term key support in the 946 U.S. dollars, if effective under the broken, empty goal will point to 934, more solid support in the 915, if the effective break, it may have peaked a medium-term trend.

  Wednesday, the Bank of England announced July 9 to 10 monetary policy meeting records, the euro zone industrial orders in May, the United Kingdom in July CBI industrial orders margin, the U.S. crude inventories last week EIA changes


Short-term warning

After bumpy injustice, the ups and downs, found that, regardless of information, capital, technical, research stocks, small investors are far from being the opponent, finally understand that patience is the only individual victory of the magic weapon.

   Retail stocks using their own funds, provided they are not greedy, not fear, in the fighting in the shares is lower cost, higher cost than institutions, often Chenbuzhuqi, over-anxious for a long time Haoxia Qu, may not be the first can not hold out Is retail. Moreover, retail boat Xiao Yi U-turn, and out of the stock market is extremely convenient, so as long as a certain patience, stocks go in Kumamoto, quietly waiting for it to slow down from the crash, and then to decline. When the opportunity comes, you can buy bold step by step, bankers suppressing the more fierce, we cargo into the cheaper, Why not »

   Of course, if we want to create a culture with great patience the good mentality, we must also in peacetime, stock speculation and more thinking, only to think more of the state's macroeconomic, in which the regional stock market can more clearly understand, understand this market. See the general trend of big profits

Money, only stand high and look to the far, it is necessary to have an overall strategic vision of the investment. Only see real, the more patience in order to maintain long.

   To learn more, and more finishing, only one of the stocks of public information about, Lan Shu in the chest, to share knowledge properly, or not to buy the holding, patience has become dead bulls. Fundamentals of the stocks after careful study, it will have a strong self-confidence, to withstand the various tests.

   A certain knowledge, more analysis, from the Caopan way, so do not be fooled by the Yingtouxiaoli. As a banker stationed in the stock, not a certain space, not Quanshenertui, not to mention the满载而归. Therefore, some of the local head of the high short-term, we need not Jinjinjijiao, in order to have their shares without the hearts of shares.

   To improve the ideological realm, do a taste of stock market investors. Shares in the fighting,万变不离其宗. Risk in the end, the final analysis, risk mentality. If we have a better tolerance, a strong akrasia, will be able to Xinruzhishui to look at the changes in the stock market, stock speculation, really, "Change is not frightened to see Pretrial flowers Whispering; gains and losses at will, hope the sky Yunjuanyunshu. "Once this has the patience, this realm, we may end retail stocks Xiaoao sea!

   Many friends in order to stock, a large amount of information available, inquire about the numerous news last solemnly to buy. Of course, this is a good habit, but only enough so it «If the trend set aside to stock form, it is undoubtedly his astray, the proposed stock when Dingjin Each K-Line.

   In shape, technology, the fundamentals are not good case up, and this is the precursor to shipping. Increase the news right way, is the press, on television, radio, news and more, this time to prepare shipments. Up in the process of the media in general can not see how much news, but if you start Increase positive publicity and that bookmakers have Mengshengtuiyi, shipped.

Turn-line application of combat skills

On the line every day fluctuations in stock prices is a reflection of, but if we over-indulge in the daily stock price Change, "the trees but not the forest", from a longer cycle grasp the trend of stock prices, had to use the week Plans to observe. Generally speaking, the map of weeks, we can observe the week with the line of resonance, the second Jin Cha, resistance, deviated from the search for phenomena such as the sale of several points.

     1, Zhou line with the Japanese line resonance. Zhou line reflects the shares of medium-term trend, but the line is reflected in the daily stock price fluctuations, if the target line and on-line indicators also issued buy signals, the signals will increase reliability, such as on-line and KDJ Line KDJ resonance, is often a better Maidian. KDJ on the line is a sensitive indicator, the change quickly, randomness strong, frequent false buy and sell signals, so that investors at a loss. Use of on-line KDJ line with the common Jincha KDJ (thus a "resonance"), you can filter out false signals to buy, buy to find high-quality signal. However, in actual operation will often encounter such a problem: As the line KDJ rate of change faster than the week of KDJ, the week-KDJ Jincha, has been on the line ahead of KDJ Jincha the past few days, shares also rose for a , Has raised the cost to buy, to that end, radical type of investors in the week-K, J hook the first two lines, to be formed Jin Cha in advance when buying, in order to reduce costs.

     2, the second-line Jincha. When the stock (weekly) experienced a rebound after falling for 30 weeks to break in line, we called the "first line-Jin Cha", but often only at this time bankers in Jiancang it, we should not participate, but should To maintain wait-and-see when the stock price (weekly) again shot through the line at 30 weeks, we called the "second line-Jin Cha," which means that bankers Xipan end, is about to enter the Elevated period, investors will have greater increases. At this point can pay close attention to the movements of the stock, once issued its system on line to buy signal, to boldly follow-up.

     3, weeks of resistance. Zhou line with the support of resistance than on the map of higher reliability. Quotes from the year we can find a law to weeks of perspective, many Chaodie species often reached the rebound first wave of 60 weeks near the MA will have no small change. To K-line analysis of patterns, if the on-line to a K-week long shadow on the line hit 60 week average, such a trend that 60 weeks of pressure on the larger, most investors to price pullback if to a Online entities week hit 60 weeks or even wear average, investors continue to rise, complete breakthrough average of 60 weeks a great possibility. In fact 60 weeks on average is in line graphics in line, but just look at the line difficult to distinguish between the wishes of breakthrough, the trend is often due to the continuous fluctuations in a single day and not divided, and the week-long inspection of the time, once Breakthrough after good stability, we have enough time to determine investment strategies.

     4, Zhou deviated from the line. Deviated from the line and could not confirm whether the stock peaked or bottomed out, but weeks on the map as an important indicator deviated from the end and a departure from the top, almost at the end of mid-level and above (top) a reliable signal, you may wish to recall the past important at the bottom And the top-line targets, for finding the bottom of the future should be a good reference

Using Boolean line, not too difficult to make money

Using Boolean line, not too difficult to make money bis

The contents of the study was recently read Brin limits on the use of indicators after the start to do so. Initial tests had been successful! Still immature, please friends, for better optimization.

The method is key points:


          When a set time-out, the stock price to determine the position, is the rising of it, or have been in the high Qiangnu are not »

Huan Shoulv increase can not be too large, the turnover column, a regular rise. The sudden increase of the turnover column stocks need to observe the trend of the second and third day again judgement.


          When the 2-out when the stock price depends on track Hengpan Brin in the length of time, or size, the longer the better the results, was up consecutive rise, the better the results.

          3 CKD assisted with the focus of cost analysis, CKDP wear on the best CKDW


Or CKDP far less than CKDW.

          4 Brin bandwidth of more than 30 targets, no matter how much profit, should be profit-taking!

          5-for the attack, the shares rose slowly, but has been run along the rail line Brin, when the stock price fell below the tracks when the opportunity for the shipments.

Full week of technical analysis of information

[Week one of the lines] week moving average of the use of methods

     K-Line on the use of methods and did not in fact a very sophisticated system of theoretical system, we usually see on the K-line application of the big things are very fragmented and truly in a book published less, I am in Summer 1997 saw the wind, "K-Line measurement of the city," a book that he spent half the length of the book stresses how to use K-Line, which is more systematic, but many of the technical indicators Did not involve the use of, he also said this new technology to continually improve and perfect. I also read the other Zhu Yaozhong "Zhou Bo public line," but the book as summer winds to write well, and not seen on the K-line book. Summer Wind I study the book became the first weeks K-Line, I was in the actual use of added a lot of their actual combat experience, the teacher's method of summer and my way with the. K-Line hope to have experience in the use of a friend in my post after Gentie and their different points of view put forward for discussion of goodwill and common raise, but also benefit from the vast number of friends.

     Our shareholders friends in operation, the basic software will look at all the stock of K Line, to see if this is to buy and sell.

     But I often encountered some investors a friend asked me, it's clear K-Line at a high level, the indicator is high, but I sold the stock, but it rose sharply. K Line and sometimes obviously low, I buy the stock, while continuing to decline.为什么»

     I asked him, you see what is the K-Line »he said, K-ah. I said: The answer lies in here.

     Can tell you is, in fact, from the perspective of actual combat, the K-Line is not our friend in particular small investors need to pay attention to the technical indicators. Sometimes, it was more of the institutions, bankers make use of deception in the leather line and the city (the city was also called deer, monkey City), those short-term experts to quickly access the target.

     Why is it »

     Because it is one day a line agencies to make good-looking indicators, concentrate on one Drawers, technical indicators now improving. Institutions to make indicators ugly, Zapan, immediately on the deterioration of the technical indicators.

     K-Line, there is a big problem is that it can be long-term passive, in the bull market, it can be long-term high fixed, and in the bear market, it can be long-term low Panhuan. This is what people said the failure of the indicators. Then look at the K-Line is useless.

     Well, K-Line is not the point did not use it »that's not that my experience is that retail investors can be less from a friend in peacetime, K-Line, only to the sale, as a short-term indicators, refer to, as far as possible, their own The sale of more reasonable point. Is not large, underestimated.

     Then we see what retail friends K Xianne »

     My experience is to see more K-Line, why »

     The stock market because the trend is stressing the trend, a trend but a form, not all of a sudden change in a short period of time. So we all know, K-Line certainly not accurately reflect the medium to long-term trend because it has too many changes and too easily lead to the clutter of information. K Line and on the whole response is too slow, it reflects a particularly long and sometimes years the trend, it is difficult that we need the year 1-2 in the big-band wave of the trend. Therefore, only the middle lane-K line is the true representatives of big-band, we need to pay attention to the special technical indicators, and K-Line can be most accurately reflects the trend of big-band, which is precisely what we are in operation in the most in need of serious grasp The technical indicators.

     K-Line to see and do in the long term there is a big advantage, it is not easy to deceive the agency bankers.

     Why «K-line a week because only one line, to do this line of deception, not only to institutions Makers of a lot of time and money, but can easily be found, it is extremely unfavorable to them, and it is very difficult .

     K-Line and K Line, compared to have the following advantages: a higher accuracy. 2 see more long-term. 3 signal more clearly, the band more clearly. Four weeks K-Line is also compatible with some of the advantages of the K-Line.

     Zhou, K Line and K Line are essentially different from and can not be K-line analysis to date of K-Line, K Line, which take up a set of K-Line, Zhou line with the Japanese lines in the essential differences between the lines to reflect Shares of the day, week-week reflect the stock, we have to learn habits with K-line of thinking to study K-Line.

[-Line technology bis] single week Yangxian the meaning and application of market

    先做point explanation: the week because of the absence of a recognized system of standards, so welcome everyone to do good discussion, if not a personal attack articles, is welcome in the back Gentie.

     Below we talk about the single-K-Line in the measurement method, it is necessary to note that the single line measured in weeks, just weeks K-Line use of the foundation, not simply the use of machinery, attention should be paid to the location of K-Line and other Zhou combination of technical indicators, and few weeks to make comprehensive use of K-Line, as will be more accurate.

     First, a single week Yangxian the meaning and application of market

     No. 1, our first line of a single week in Yangxian skinhead walked barefoot week, it described the transaction in a week time, the buyer has obvious advantages, the seller Haishou without the power, if it is large skinhead walked barefoot week Yangxian So, on the dangerous breeds, by the upward trend next week and fell into the possibility of large, but if they are a smaller Zhou Yang Xian, then, after changing hands, the city also increased space.

     No. 2: short weeks under the shadow skinhead Yangxian: that the seller was out this week, but the buyer behind the counter, and to win over. This appears in line for more than short-term rebound, after more than a longer shadow on the cross or put on video Yinxian. However, if stock prices continued to fall through, K Line and shorter, continue to rise next week, if it is on their way up and Tiaokonggaokai this week, next week pullback.

     No. 3: Zhou Ying Yang Xian from top to bottom: the week that the trial of strength between the two sides have Duokong, the trend is repeated. The buyer is still a force, but the seller has some power. Significance: 1 shares or by the continued sharp fall, have such an entity is not great week Yangxian, stock prices continue to rise. 2 shares or by the continued sharp rise, this line, and larger entities, stock prices will fall. 3 the way up, and last week Yangxian similar to this line,

One expert summed up the stock market for over 10 years of fixed stock speculation

First: know their


   Personal habits and hobbies and life experiences will be reflected in the attitude of his transactions and trading style, go about their very important, so the first place, as described below will return to this one. And technical analysis, the individual's personality can also, through his summary of the history, different personality and his experience there will be suitable for the different trading strategies, only for their own trading systems in order to help their own success.


   Second: Select markets


   Many people do not have this concept. But today I want to tell you choose to market is more important than selecting the time factor. Active market as soon as possible to help you succeed in the market downturn in the Yun-do, heroes will be shortness of breath. For example, since last year Huopu metals futures markets, investment at this time, if not know very fundamentals or technical analysis of the people may also get huge profits, I heard that last year earnings thousand times a person, not empty words. The active market is the basis of profit, why investors the impression that the poor »because of a Quanqian investors into the market, few generals Chang-sheng, not to mention is the master. The market has led to the success or failure you.


   For many people, let him choose the market is fantasy, their capital and time limits their market to other areas, so the sea only in stocks struggling, but do not know can not turn to other markets but they can shore of fire This determines that the failure of most people. If you have no way to choose the market, then went down to see.


   3: Choose the opportunity to tell Niuxiong


   Even the best market to choose the right time to intervene is the wrong time of the crime of money. Buy a set of impact on the mentality of a direct bearing on the future success or failure. The first is resolved bull market or bear market. The characteristics of a bull market bull market, bear market bear market has the characteristics of these features is the original and long-term, and the Chinese people have said the "Road", is a principle, is the same, the only change in the form of a master Spirit can be resolved by a simple.


   Bull market and bear market is the outline. Bull market operation, a bear market and not feel that the only slogan, but we must resolutely implement the principle, you Weini it may be in a day a few years you will be hard to build on the buildings razed to the ground. Continue broken down into six kinds of state: the bull market in a bear market, the bull market in the bull market, bear market in the bull market, bear market in a bear market, the balance of the bull market in the city, the bear market balance in the city. The proportion of investment funds are 30-50% ,80-100%, 20-30% 0 to-10%, 20-30%, 10-20%.


   As a result of so Subdivision To funds. Most people disdain in fund management, but this is very important, a lot of success because he was stamping on the success of the pace of the times, that is, with the trend of more people is a conscious trend to follow.


   These are successful in summing up. The main trading profits are in the medium-term bull market access, more time is wasted in a bear market and the balance in the city, where point deficit to make here, feel that a good technology less money, in fact, ignored the opportunity. So when understand this point will be used to fund management boring Niuxiong in the district. With discipline to restrain themselves and avoid the trap into. A lot of friends do not have a high level of the four years to escape the bear market, they have no rain fell on the urgency of the crisis in 2001, Xie Feng did not die in the drizzle in 2002, the expense in the slogan of the series in 2003 and 2004, over with emotion . The market is very cruel, you will usher in the new left, no one will remember you have the glory. And the losers are always linked with contempt and sympathy. So the people who live than the long, who live in high quality.


   Su Liang shocks - Small Cap


   However, lack of stable energy market is small capitalization stocks when the active phase, the energy market can not meet the size of the display of hot, stocks prices, "stars ignition", which again on the Small Cap Market under the energy more Jiangli. Since energy can not meet the continuing market, the Small Cap Market gains are often more agile, continuing a shorter cycle, suitable for short-term operation.


   Unexpected good - the new shares


   Whether what in the market, and significant positive Ruoyu emergencies released, often the lowest-active the new shares. Because the old stocks are often stationed in the old capital or trapped, the new capital that is unwilling to Taijiao the old capital, more funds for the elderly to解套. Therefore, the major positive after the announcement, shares of listed near the base often become the new funds "prejudiced" the target of attack.


   Adjustment period - Zhuanggu


   Market adjustment is an active cycle Zhuang Gu. As the market has been hot annihilation, Zhuanggu the main trouble or self-help, or taking advantage of the weak market potential themes ahead of Jiancang…… Zhuanggu weak market in the darkness like a beacon in the "oil lamps", although not illuminate the whole Market, but also enable the investing public will not despair. At the same time, the number of temptations can "invest small minority" together "to add fuel oil lamps", or lead to "moths Puhuo."


   Band decline - stock indicators


   Band of the market after a steep decline in stock market indicators of the active phase. After the steep decline can quickly reset the market must be able to affect the overall index stocks. Because "skillfully deflected" the effectiveness, but also because of Di Jiagu Hupan low cost.


   Adjustment of the end - Chaodie Di Jiagu


   Big band adjustments after entering the end of the active Chaodie Di Jiagu. The largest decrease since the early risk of release Dijia Gu Chaodie the cleanest, most require strong technical rebound. Since the end of adjustment into the general trend has not reversed, the new hot spots difficult to create, would give the performance of the Chaodie Di Jiagu opportunities.


   Established bull market - high-priced stocks


   Bull market is established high-priced stocks active. High stock market is the "elite class", ranking the top of the market, the bull market into the stage, they need to open the file on space, space for the market to create a bull market, to play in Di Jiagu "-to help, bring" Role.


   Period of rest - Theme Unit


   Finishing the rest of the market share of the active material. Because the rest period


The timing of stock-operation

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The timing of stock-operation

Source: Author: Published :2008-06-02



Relatively "perfect" for the trading of the conditions:

   A simple complex (with a non-Guaai close to the heart of the market, with intuitive visual look at the market, not from the nature of the market)

   2 follow the market, homeopathy and for

   3 of Adjustment (a fully flexible, no individual's subjective point of view)

   4 able to deal with any period of time

   5 signal can not be too backward (more rapid response to market changes)

   6 accurate judgement of (the market will tell An Men)

   7 is not arbitrary is not subjective

   When the venue »

   1 breakthrough

   2 to City

   3 day gap or widen the level of post

   10 Code

   A loss of the parts never raised or flat rates of the so-called lower costs

   2 raised in the course of a stop-loss at the same time

   3 unless the market that you have to, otherwise never stops moving

   4 must not allow reasonable expansion of the losses

   5 per day for each of the trading losses should not exceed 10%

   6 not to forecast, at the bottom of the head and not Quzhua

   7 Do not contrarian

   8 flexibility, any of the trading system can not be 100 percent correct

   9 Shunshou not at hand as soon as possible so that its cool to

   10 recognize your own

Loss of earnings is the mother of

Mistakes is a wealth, is one the best universities. The ultimate success of most small investors from losses and setbacks, the more successful, the mistakes are in the harvest more profits will be more.

   No mistakes in the past accumulation of experience, there will be no success, attention should be paid before the experience of mistakes, errors in the stock market in the search for the truth, summing up the experience of mistakes, will summarize the successful experience than a more profound impression, remember that even in jail. The stock market is most likely to make mistakes, but the stock market are not afraid of mistakes, for fear that mistakes do not know where the fear is no remedy, is not afraid of the lessons learned a lesson, for fear of a lack of self-correcting capabilities The next remains to repeat mistakes.

   Retail investors can be taken back, two to be taken, but should not be fooled and forth. Able to identify the reasons for losing money, that is, mistakes in the success of Wanxing was unfortunate, is beginning to make money. However, some small investors sometimes find the reasons for the time often focused on technical analysis to find the causes, not psychological analysis to find reasons, if not to find out what psychological understanding of the error, it is very difficult to play the role of technical analysis. Mistakes is painful, admitted that mistakes are more painful, will make their own self-confidence and vanity great blow to admit mistakes does not mean to concede defeat, saying the West was right when he said: "There is no so-called failure, unless you no longer Try. "Retail investors can accept the loss of one or N, but we can not accept a waiver, loss of profits is the mother of only seriously sum up experiences and lessons, we can gradually from loss to profit.

   From the future to consider, from a long-term considerations, a sensible recognition of the errors, so that you can not have the possibility of mistakes can we have the possibility of success, admitted that mistakes is a turning point. The stock market is complex and can not always do right, it is normal to errors, no mistakes is not normal, and actively改掉mistakes is wise.

   Soros's philosophy is to accept not perfect, this is part of human nature, the failure or error can not adopt a negative attitude. He said: "To me, to recognize their mistakes is a proud, once we recognize that the lack of understanding of the inherent characteristics of human, mistakes will be no shame at all, the shame of not only correct mistakes." A set of One of the lessons, 10 sets of a dozen experience. Only after the full risk of baptism can survive, can be long-term foothold in the stock market. Experiences and lessons learned are valuable, solid, all with a heavy price for the exchange. Can be summed up the lessons of loss, although the loss-Utah, because of errors and loss of growth can experience, honed will be laid from loss to profit foundation.

   Easy money in a bull market, but retail not easy to raise and mature, only a bear market to increase retail investors. Can not raise up the retail level, often lightly proud of the idea of breeding, only experienced repeated the decline, retail investors can effectively improve the psychological quality and technical quality. Not tolerate the taste of the suffering and tragic lose money, and not trapped after Gerou, can not exercise a mature retail success of the stock market can not master. Lose money every time is a new start, the new sublimation. Although some people have read many books, newspapers and magazines can not read, can not remember, learn things and understand things quite different. Some experience-is not in books can be learned, only after the expense of lessons, profitable experience, to remember that some prison can be more practical to have a certain significance. One of the lessons learned when, with a Zhenzhi, a technical master, an understanding of the law, a mature concept, the mood will be more than happy to earn money. Because of the experience will be able to earn money, experience is the golden key to open the wealth, experience is the money, you can continue to be rewarded, may have a more accurate analysis of the top end of some, may be copied at the end of a big, big top of the defectors. Experience to distinguish the authenticity of the false information, operating more consciousness.